With a lifetime of experience in athletics, training, and all aspects related to these, Ashleigh possesses the knowledge, ability and passion required to create a positive transformation in the bodies and minds of her clients.
Her credentials and experience are extensive. She has a master’s degree in Human/Clinical Nutrition through The University of Bridgeport,is a Certified Sports Nutritionist through The International Society of Sports Nutrition (CISSN), in addition to being one of the few CSCSs in Florida (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist). She is also a Certified Clinical Nutritionist (CCN), and a Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS). She is a Medical Exercise Specialist (MES), and a Certified Level One Cross Fit Coach. Ashleigh graduated from the University of Victoria, British Columbia, in 2003. Here, she earned a BSc, studying kinesiology, exercise physiology, and psychology. Ashleigh is also a graduate of the National Coaching Institute, having completed extensive sports science modules in the long-term physical preparation of the elite athlete.
Most recently, Ashleigh earned the right of few: formal partnership with GymnasticBodies as a developmental affiliate. She is Florida’s first, and only GymnasticBodies (GB) affiliate, and the 7th global. Keep your eyes out for group classes, which are developing now.
Ashleigh has worked with weekend warriors, college athletes and high-level competitors for 15 years. Her work has included positions as the health and wellness director and personal trainer for Fitness World and as an exercise therapist and physical preparation coach for Synergy Health Management, both in her native British Columbia. She also provided years of strength and conditioning coaching for the Camosun College Chargers men’s and women’s basketball teams and men’s volleyball team; the 2004 Men’s U23 national rugby team; and the 2004 World Junior Taekwondo Championships in Korea.
Ashleigh brings her wealth of education and experience to Brilliant Fitness and Nutrition (BFN), and now, SLICE Gymnastics Training (GST), and uses it to create a culture that is focused on success, measurable results, hard work, fun, and ownership of outcomes. She brings cutting-edge training and nutrition solutions to her clients to help them achieve their wellness and performance goals. She is well known in the Tampa Bay area for her results-based coaching style.
Ashleigh is an accomplished natural body building and figure show competitor, her resume available upon request. She won the overall title at the 2010 Hurricane Bay Championship and consistently places top 3 in the state of Florida in National Qualifying shows. Her pursuit of excellent in the figure world is a convenient spin-off of her training and healthy lifestyle.
Her training methods and competitive wins have been profiled in several respected health and fitness publications. Ashleigh is also a published writer, providing articles about training and nutrition to numerous local publications. She has presented at national conferences including The International Society of Sports Nutrition Conference (ISSN) in June of 2010. Ashleigh launched Brilliant Fitness and Nutrition (BFN), formerly Brilliant Athlete in 2008 in Los Angeles, and then brought her company and her expertise to the Tampa/Clearwater area.
Ashleigh Gass
SLICE GST, Developmental Affiliate
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Certified Clinical Nutritionist (CCN)
Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS)
MS Human Nutrition
Certified Sports Nutritionist (International Society of Sports Nutrition)
Medical Exercise Specialist
Certified Level One Cross Fit Coach
Jeffrey Wolf is an athlete and coach based in the Tampa Bay Area. Jeff grew up playing and competing year round in baseball and basketball.
As an adult, Jeff has trained in a variety of modalities where he found his passion for bodyweight training and flexibility combined with traditional strength training. Jeff is a certified Gymnasticbodies athlete and has personally trained and learned under former Junior National Coach, Christopher Sommer. Jeff’s experience also comes from the physical therapy field where he worked as an exercise and modality technician, working with physical therapists to design and develop exercise programs that have successfully assisted in the rehabilitation of patients from all physical backgrounds.
Jeff has found his love for helping others achieve their fitness goals and is always striving to learn and grow stronger as an athlete and a coach.
As a student-athlete at West Virginia, Tony was dead set on a career in the medical field. He had always had a fascination with the complexity of the human body and felt becoming a doctor would best fulfill this interest. As Tony progressed through his pre-med biology degree, he began to realize that his interests were more geared toward using nutrition and movement as primary ways to heal the body. This was due in large to the several chronic injuries that Tony had experienced throughout his career as an athlete. Back issues that had started at a young age and slowly worsened over years of athletic competitions had led to numerous doctors telling Tony that a lifetime of medications and injections, along with severe movement restrictions, would be the only way to a pain free lifestyle.
Upon finishing his Biology degree and athletic career, Tony knew it was time to shift gears and approach his injuries with a renewed mindset. A Tim Ferriss podcast with world-class gymnastics coach Chris Sommers struck a deep chord with Tony. Sommers eloquently described the various misconceptions surrounding exercise, especially in reference the the strength and stability of the spine. Tony quickly delved into Coach Sommers GymnasticBodies program and began to see instant improvements in several areas of the body. Having recently moved to the Tampa area, Tony was shocked to discover that one of only eight GymnasticBodies affiliate gyms was located in Clearwater. He immediately enrolled in an upcoming class and soon became a regular at SLICE GymnasticBodies. As Tony continued working with Ashleigh and Jeff, he saw vast improvements in his overall movement and knew he had found something special.
Tony is honored to be a part of SLICE GymnasticBodies and hopes his passion for functional movement and strength can inspire others to take back their health. His path to a healthy body has been anything but linear but it is within his struggles that a silver lining has emerged. The opportunity to create and maintain and environment where every student has the chance to achieve the body and mind they most desire.